version 1.0 # This script is under review. It is not actively tested or maintained at this time. workflow UpdateVcfDictionaryHeader { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File ref_dict } call UpdateVcfDictionaryHeader { input: vcf = input_vcf, vcf_index = input_vcf_index, ref_dict = ref_dict, basename = basename(input_vcf, '.vcf.gz') } output { File output_vcf = UpdateVcfDictionaryHeader.output_vcf File output_vcf_index = UpdateVcfDictionaryHeader.output_vcf_index } } task UpdateVcfDictionaryHeader { input { File vcf File vcf_index File ref_dict String basename Int disk_size_gb = ceil(4*(size(vcf, "GiB") + size(vcf_index, "GiB"))) + 20 String gatk_docker = "" Int cpu = 1 Int memory_mb = 6000 Int preemptible = 0 } Int command_mem = memory_mb - 1500 Int max_heap = memory_mb - 1000 command <<< set -e -o pipefail ln -sf ~{vcf} input.vcf.gz ln -sf ~{vcf_index} input.vcf.gz.tbi echo "$(date) Extracting original header from VCF into old_header.vcf" bcftools view -h --no-version input.vcf.gz > old_header.vcf echo "$(date) Updating header from old_header.vcf to produce header-only VCF new_header.vcf" gatk --java-options "-Xms~{command_mem}m -Xmx~{max_heap}m" \ UpdateVCFSequenceDictionary \ -O new_header.vcf \ --source-dictionary ~{ref_dict} \ --replace -V old_header.vcf \ --disable-sequence-dictionary-validation echo "$(date) Reheadering input VCF with updated header new_header.vcf" bcftools reheader -h new_header.vcf -o ~{basename}.vcf.gz input.vcf.gz echo "$(date) Creating index for reheadered VCF" bcftools index -t ~{basename}.vcf.gz >>> runtime { docker: gatk_docker disks: "local-disk ${disk_size_gb} HDD" memory: "${memory_mb} MiB" cpu: cpu preemptible: preemptible } output { File output_vcf = "~{basename}.vcf.gz" File output_vcf_index = "~{basename}.vcf.gz.tbi" } }