version 1.0 # This script is under review. It is not actively tested or maintained at this time. workflow CreateImputationRefPanelBeagle { input { Array[File] ref_vcf Array[File] ref_vcf_index Array[String] chromosomes Boolean create_brefs = true Boolean create_interval_lists = true Boolean create_bed_files = true File ref_dict # this is used to chunk up the input vcfs to create interval lists from them in a timely manner Int chunkLength = 2500000 String output_basename } Float chunkLengthFloat = chunkLength scatter (idx in range(length(ref_vcf))) { String chromosome = chromosomes[idx] String custom_basename_with_chr = output_basename + "." + chromosome call CalculateChromosomeLength { input: ref_dict = ref_dict, chrom = chromosome } Int num_chunks = ceil(CalculateChromosomeLength.chrom_length / chunkLengthFloat) if (create_interval_lists || create_bed_files) { scatter (i in range(num_chunks)) { String custom_basename_with_chr_and_chunk = output_basename + "." + chromosome + ".chunk_" + i Int start = (i * chunkLength) + 1 Int end = if (CalculateChromosomeLength.chrom_length < ((i + 1) * chunkLength)) then CalculateChromosomeLength.chrom_length else ((i + 1) * chunkLength) call CreateRefPanelIntervalLists { input: ref_panel_vcf = ref_vcf[idx], ref_panel_vcf_index = ref_vcf_index[idx], output_basename = custom_basename_with_chr_and_chunk, chrom = chromosome, start = start, end = end } } call GatherIntervalLists as GatherChunkedIntervalLists { input: basename = custom_basename_with_chr, interval_lists = CreateRefPanelIntervalLists.interval_list } } if (create_bed_files) { call CreateRefPanelBedFiles { input: ref_panel_interval_list = select_first([GatherChunkedIntervalLists.interval_list]), basename = custom_basename_with_chr, } } if (create_brefs) { call BuildBref3 { input: vcf = ref_vcf[idx], basename = custom_basename_with_chr } } } output { Array[File?] interval_lists = select_first([GatherChunkedIntervalLists.interval_list, []]) Array[File?] bed_files = select_first([CreateRefPanelBedFiles.bed_file, []]) Array[File?] brefs = select_first([BuildBref3.bref3, []]) } } task CreateRefPanelIntervalLists { input { File ref_panel_vcf File ref_panel_vcf_index String chrom Int start Int end String? output_basename Int disk_size_gb = ceil(size(ref_panel_vcf, "GiB") / 2) # not sure how big the disk size needs to be since we aren't downloading the entire VCF here Int cpu = 1 Int memory_mb = 6000 String gatk_docker = "" } Int command_mem = memory_mb - 2500 Int max_heap = memory_mb - 2000 String name_from_file = basename(ref_panel_vcf, ".vcf.gz") String basename = select_first([output_basename, name_from_file]) command { set -e -o pipefail gatk --java-options "-Xms~{command_mem}m -Xmx~{max_heap}m" \ SelectVariants \ -V ~{ref_panel_vcf} \ -O ~{basename}.vcf.gz \ -L ~{chrom}:~{start}-~{end} gatk --java-options "-Xms~{command_mem}m -Xmx~{max_heap}m" \ VcfToIntervalList \ -I ~{basename}.vcf.gz \ -O ~{basename}.interval_list \ --MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM 100000 } output { File interval_list = "~{basename}.interval_list" } parameter_meta { ref_panel_vcf: { description: "vcf", localization_optional: true } ref_panel_vcf_index: { description: "vcf index", localization_optional: true } } runtime { docker: gatk_docker disks: "local-disk ${disk_size_gb} HDD" memory: "${memory_mb} MiB" cpu: cpu } } task CalculateChromosomeLength { input { File ref_dict String chrom String ubuntu_docker = "ubuntu:20.04" Int memory_mb = 2000 Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size_gb = ceil(2*size(ref_dict, "GiB")) + 5 } command { set -e -o pipefail grep -P "SN:~{chrom}\t" ~{ref_dict} | sed 's/.*LN://' | sed 's/\t.*//' } runtime { docker: ubuntu_docker disks: "local-disk ${disk_size_gb} HDD" memory: "${memory_mb} MiB" cpu: cpu } output { Int chrom_length = read_int(stdout()) } } task GatherIntervalLists { input { Array[File] interval_lists String basename Int disk_size_gb = 50 Int cpu = 1 Int memory_mb = 12000 String gatk_docker = "" } Int command_mem = memory_mb - 2500 Int max_heap = memory_mb - 2000 command { set -e -o pipefail gatk --java-options "-Xms~{command_mem}m -Xmx~{max_heap}m" \ IntervalListTools \ ACTION=CONCAT \ SORT=true \ UNIQUE=true \ I=~{sep=' I= ' interval_lists} \ O=~{basename}.interval_list } output { File interval_list = "~{basename}.interval_list" } runtime { docker: gatk_docker disks: "local-disk ${disk_size_gb} HDD" memory: "${memory_mb} MiB" cpu: cpu } } task CreateRefPanelBedFiles { input { File ref_panel_interval_list String basename Int disk_size_gb = ceil(2*size(ref_panel_interval_list, "GiB")) + 10 Int cpu = 1 Int memory_mb = 12000 String gatk_docker = "" } Int command_mem = memory_mb - 2000 Int max_heap = memory_mb - 1500 command { gatk --java-options "-Xms~{command_mem}m -Xmx~{max_heap}m" \ IntervalListToBed \ -I ~{ref_panel_interval_list} \ -O ~{basename}.bed } output { File bed_file = "~{basename}.bed" } runtime { docker: gatk_docker disks: "local-disk ${disk_size_gb} HDD" memory: "${memory_mb} MiB" cpu: cpu } } task BuildBref3 { input { File vcf String basename # this can be smaller if you have a small input vcf but we do have a large gap between command mem # and machine mem Int memory_mb = 50000 # bref outputs are very small, 50 gb overhead is plenty Int disk_size = ceil(size(vcf, "GiB")) + 50 } Int command_mem = memory_mb - 10000 Int max_heap = memory_mb - 5000 command <<< java -Xms~{command_mem}m -Xmx~{max_heap}m -jar /usr/gitc/bref3.jar ~{vcf} > ~{basename}.bref3 >>> runtime { docker: "jsotobroad/beagle_jar:bit_shift_2" memory: "${memory_mb} MiB" cpu: 4 disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" } output { File bref3 = "~{basename}.bref3" } }